The Ember.js Times - Issue #18
Dia duit Emberistas!

Lots of new changes landed in Emberland this week as many great contributors have been busy fixing, improving and building new features for Glimmer, Ember, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. Here’s a quick recap of what happened recently and a few suggestions for awesome reads that you might find interesting as well:
Contributors to the Glimmer VM have been working on removing top-level invocations and unused functions from the wire-format package and a fix for a bug when creating contextual components with curried arguments. Plus, more binary magic has been cast to reduce the size of the Heap to navigate heap size issues occurring in real-world applications.
Also, the Glimmer.js dependency for the glimmer-playground has been updated to the recent version release of Glimmer, and support for helpers has been added. Similar to Ember Twiddle, the Glimmer Playground is an interactive sandbox for you to build, create and share examples of Glimmer components. You can now try Glimmer at
Many thanks to @chadhietala and @tomdale for working on these improvements this week.
Last week’s newsletter wrote about the new QUnit testing API, which you can leverage to write easier-to-read, easier-to-extend, and more semantic tests in your Ember apps. This week @rwjblue published an awesome blog post which will not only help you to get started using the new API in your tests today, but also shares the motivation behind the changes of RFC #232

"The dual portal device should be around here somewhere. Once you find it, we can start testing. Just like old times.”- GLaDOS
Read more
Typing ember-glimmer and more Cleanup Work ✨🐹✨
A quite whopping PR brings types to Ember’s ember-glimmer package this week, starting off with adding basic types to any classes, properties and methods described in the module and moving any *.js files to their *.ts TypeScript counterpart.
Finally a couple of ESLint errors have been resolved, the _logLookup method has been moved to only be available in debug mode, and some further cleanup work has been done here and there
Many thanks to the contributors @smfoote and @bekzod for working on these fixes and improvements.
This week lots of updates around the Ember API Docs have landed, including an update to the description of Ember.A(), several fixes for the Ember API Docs navigation (here, here, here and there), and a fix for switching the documentation’s version properly. Some rather internal updates to the ember-api-docs project included increased test coverage and a more straightforward deployment pipeline by installing needed modules during the release step and by using fastly-cli for post-release purging of content. Although Ember is a front end framework, the public sites and resources require full-stack attention! ❤️
A huge thank you to @alexmiddeleer, @sivakumar-kailasam, @jenweber and @toddjordan who contributed to the learning resources this week.
Normalized Fixing, Deprecations, and More for Ember Data
This week, a bug on model name normalization within the store’s push method was fixed. A new deprecation was introduced for EMBER_ENV variables which sound similar to "production", but which might mask non-production builds. Furthermore, this change was accompanied by a fix in stripped-build-plugins, which now does not only check for the keyword "production"  specifically, but also for any ‘production-like’ variables. Apart from that, work has been done to improve code readability internally here, and a fix around instance-initializers landed. Last, but not least, several tests have been updated to assert against null in a more strict way.
A warm thank you to @IceDragon200, @bekzod, @hjdivad, @pangratz  and @bmac who worked on these fixes and features.
A PR updating Ember CLI’s module resolution semantics landed, aiming to make use of Node’s native resolution pattern. It encourages addon authors to use native Node methods for module handling. Also the MockProcess test helper has been improved by making testdouble an optional dependency, the list of Node versions to test the package against has been trimmed down, and the insertIntoFile util has been improved further as well.
This week’s work on the ember-cli project from @ro0gr, @ef4 and @kellyselden is greatly appreciated!
✨ That's a wrap up! See you again next week ✨

Be kind,
Jen Weber, Jessica Jordan and the Learning Team
Until the next issue, happy Embering :)
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