Thanks to the great work that has been put in by awesome contributors this week, there are lots of new updates to Glimmer, Ember CLI, Ember Data, Fastboot and last, but not least, Ember this week. Here's a short recap of what has been worked on and great reading resources you shouldn't miss out on these days:
The next major release version of Ember is now officially around the corner, with the release of the last minor version of the 2.x era being planned for January 1st, 2018. In the official blog post you can learn more about the transition path from your 2.x app, the future release cycle and other planned changes. Many thanks to @mixonic for the great write up.
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, a RFC about the browser support of the upcoming major release Ember 3.0 has been opened and has just entered the final comment period - be sure to check it out.
Loads of cleanup and update work got into Ember this week, including an update of the rsvp dependency, updates around assertions here and there, and even more improvements here, and there as well. Many thanks to @bekzod for working on all of those fixes.
This week a major change for making Fastboot compatible with Ember Engines has finally landed. Check out the original PR to learn more about the fastBootConfig tree hook and how to use it in your app.
Many thanks to @kratiahuja for bringing this feature to Fastboot.
Two beta bug fixes aiming to avoid cache related warnings stemming from broccoli-babel-transpiler on landed in Ember Data this week, which you can find here and also here.
This week work has been put into porting test helpers in Ember CLI to the mostly already adapted class syntax. Many thanks to @twokul for working on this.
Also, the default testem.js blueprint has been updated to allow running Chrome headless in the CI environment and in full setup otherwise while testing, plus, the list of version numbers, for which one of ember-cli’s task modules will generate warnings, was updated. Many thanks to @scalvert and @Turbo87 for working on these improvements.
Finally a few dependency updates got merged here, here and there this week- many thanks to @Turbo87 and @bekzod for working on this.