A new community Ember addon is emerging helping you with the regular chores around upgrading your Ember apps. ember-cli-update provides the ember update command to your Ember apps to upgrade to either the latest or any other arbitrary, more recent version than your currrent project using the--to parameter. Check out the repo now and try it out on your own projects today and many thanks to @kellyselden for creating and releasing the addon.
Internal improvements to the Glimmer VM included an update to how primitives are marked for further usage in the Glimmer system. Using the ES6 binary literal notation which allows the description of binary numbers in the form of e.g. 0b001 it is now easier for developers of Glimmer's core to reason about which type the primitives belong to. Many thanks to @tomdale for working on this improvement.
Also, there have been further updates to glimmer-bench - a benchmarking suite for Glimmer and the Glimmer VM. Many thank to @chadhietala for working on upgrading several dependencies on this project.
In preparation of the upcoming RFC #176-related changes that are due to land in 2.16, the babel-plugin-ember-modules-api-polyfill plugin that enables any ember-cli-babel@6-compatible Ember application to use the new modules got a new option that is related with @ember/string. The @ember/string package is slated to be the first to be extracted from the ember.js codebase into an individual and optional package, continuing the path of slimming down Ember application builds.
Short and sweet as always, that's already it and read you again in the next Ember.js Times ✨
Be kind, Ricardo Mendes and Jessica Jordan
Until the next issue, happy Embering :)
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